Le jeu est cassé depuis juillet 2022 - The game is broken since july 2022

General info

Je remets tout ca en place sur mon temps libre. 2F reste tres loin dans ma liste des priorites, desole.

Ce n'est pas la peine de me demander d'aller plus vite, ce n'est pas la peine de me parler d'une queconque autre version que vous savez...


Since: I need time to put that back online. 2F is currently very far in my list of priorities, sorry.

August 2022: I'm copying the backups on a new machine, making a complete fresh reinstall.
I point the domain 2fight.com to this page so you can have news.

July 2022: I'm told 2F is down, I see we can't access the machine. I ask the support about it.
Support tells the whole machine is broken, and ask if I have backups. I do.
